在silverlight往往还是有一些获取不到的东西,比如说客户机的ip等的数据.可以通过初始化sl时把参数传入sl中. 向silverlight传递自定义参数 1.修改page类 public?Page(string?pass [详细]
C # how to operate the Word [详细]
操作Word word的基本操作
VS2003 WEB application migration to VS2005 [详细]
C # to connect the two DataTable Left join [详细]
DataTable join
Crack the encryption source code page [详细]
网页加密破解 如何破解加密网页
C # Hashtable passed in the webservice [详细]
webservice hashtable
Application is already precompiled directory are not allowed App_Code [详细]
目录 应用程序
CSS, XHTML hide the scroll bar and set the style [详细]
css滚动条样式 滚动条的css样式
C # to create a temporary file [详细]
Documents 能够
由于有需求进行端口映射,又不想装乱七八糟的软件,Windows本身自带的路由远程访问配置太麻烦,还要两块网卡,坑爹啊。 [详细]
软件 Windows 网卡
Under cross-thread operations BackgroundWorker control [详细]
. NET2.0 base class library of generic [详细]
范型是什么 范型的优点
C# compact and repair Access databases [详细]
修复 共享 数据库
Efficient case-insensitive string replacement (Replace) function (compare a number of ways) [详细]
字符串替换函数 .net replace函数
javascript pop-up window and a modal dialog box [详细]
avascript弹出框 模式对话框
ADO.NET Data Services Framework (WCF Data Service) [详细]
ado.net 实体框架
Current identity (NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) does not "C: ... meworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files" write access. [详细]
当前标识 写访问权限 Write access
showModalDialog model window to open a new page to submit a solution [详细]
js showmodaldialog
C# days-this month [详细]
多少 计算
Write ActiveX controls using C # (3) [详细]
.net asp.net ActiveX
Years on regular expressions...
WebBrowser 跨域访问iframe页面的内容
未给任务 SignFile 的所需参数 CertificateThumbprint 赋值
ValidateRequest=false 在.Net 4.0 中不管用
e.Row.RowState 即是Alternate又是Edit,我判断的时候怎么写?e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Edit只能一个